Jumanji : Un trio d’acteurs heureux

Date : 06 / 10 / 2016 à 12h15
Sources :

Dwayne Johnson via Comingsoon

La production de Jumanji continue dans la jungle d’Hawaï et nous continuons à avoir des nouvelles via les réseaux sociaux des acteurs. Le champion en la matière est bien entendu Dwayne Johnson. Voici ces derniers partages sur son compte Instagram. Outre The Rock, le film a pour acteurs principaux Kevin Hart, Jack Black, Karen Gillan, Nick Jonas, Ser’Darius Blain, Madison Iseman, Alex Wolff et Morgan Turner. Jumanji sera sur les écrans français le 2 aout 2017.

A cool Sunday story... For my day off today, I decided to take my family to our local pumpkin patch in a lil' country town called Waimanalo, here in Hawaii. We were super excited to see our 10 month baby girl see and "pick out" her first pumpkin. But as we drove up to the patch, unbeknownst to us the Waimanalo Country Farms is home to the biggest pumpkin patch we'd ever seen, complete with animals, rides and even someone dressed in a giant Pikachu costume for the kids 😂. Well with an attraction as good as this one, it obviously means tons of people, which instantly means a frenzy circus for me if I got out the truck. So now I either get out of the truck and cause a ruckus with all the people while holding my baby girl trying to make sure she has fun OR stay in the truck while the rest of the family goes and enjoys the festivities. Big boy stayed in the truck. Figured I'd get more work done on my phone for an hour while they played. Then about 15min later the most kind thing happened. (keep in mind I'm in a rental truck with tinted windows, sunglasses and a baseball hat.. and my head is down in my phone working on emails). I hear a very soft knock on my window.. I look up and see this lovely girl holding this jar of lemonade along with another lovely lady beside her. I roll the window down and she quietly introduces herself and her mom as the owners of the farm and how sorry they are to bother me, but "We heard the Rock was out here in the parking lot and we wanted to bring you our lemonade". That's it. Lemonade. No pictures, no autographs, no "can you pls make a selfie video for my friend who's getting married next week.."😂. Nothing, just the lemonade. I'm a sucker for people being nice to one another and always say that kindness goes a very long way. Thank you so much to the owners of Waimanalo Country Farms for the warm aloha and luv shown to me and my ohana. They had an AWESOME time and your kindness will be paid forward. Ps.. I loved the lemonade. Which I did not share w/ my family cause I'm extremely greedy😉🍋 #AlohaSpirit

Une photo publiée par therock (@therock) le

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